Background of the Chilean Cold Chain Industry Chile is located in the south-west of South America and belongs to one of the more economically developed countries in Latin America. Due to its unique geographical location and diverse climatic conditions. It has had a profound impact on Chile, such as agriculture, ecosystems, and tourism. Making it […]
High speed door plays a vital role in industry, especially in environments that require frequent access. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at the types, benefits and application scenarios of high speed door, as well as look at their future trends, to help you make the most informed decision when it comes to […]
Cold storage plays a crucial role in preserving various products, from food items to electronic instruments. However, traditional cold storage methods present challenges that can impact efficiency and safety. This article explores how high-speed freezer doors address these issues, offering a reliable solution for optimal cold storage operations. The Growing Importance of High-Speed Freezer Doors […]
The cold room high speed door can effectively isolate, bees and keep warm. Suitable for areas with low temperature environment, such as cold storage. Cold storage requires frequent in and out transportation, rapid isolation, and long-term open handling of goods. However, the special electric swing door for cold storage is easy to cause temperature loss […]
В минувшие выходные наши SEPPES завершили установку высокоскоростных дверей и скоростных дверей для холодильных камер в крупной отечественной фармацевтической компании. Объектами установки данного проекта являются, в основном, цех инъекций и цех пероральных препаратов. Мы все знаем, что два самых важных стандарта в фармацевтическом производстве - это температура и чистота. Поскольку [...]