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The performance of the industrial sectional overhead door is very high quality, so it is often installed and used on the gate of the factory. This kind of door is a new generation of automatic door products. It is very flexible to start up and down, and it is very convenient to operate. What are its functional specifications and its specification features? details as follows. Sectional overhead door installation equipment specification 1.It is a protective device that must be equipped with a corresponding safety air bag. This device can bounce back to the fully open state in the event of an emergency failure, thus playing a protective role. 2.It should […]
半導体製造工場の内部環境は、完全な無塵状態でなければならず、パーティクルが混入していると、製品がスクラップされる可能性がある。もし環境が要求を満たせない場合、企業は作業を中断しなければならないだけでなく、莫大な経済的損失を負うことになる。企業は作業を中断しなければならないだけでなく、莫大な経済的損失を負うことになる。比較的有名な半導体メーカーは、工場にラピッドロールドアを完備している。この製品が実際にどのように機能するのか、以下に説明する。半導体生産工場における高速ロールドア 1.密閉性が良い、工場内の騒音は65dBを超えてはならず、静圧差は10Pa以下でなければならない。製品が完全に閉じられると、防塵、遮音、恒温、[...]を達成できる。
What are the cleanroom standards that are widely used in the fields of electronics, semiconductors, medicine, aerospace, automotive, medical, biotechnology, nuclear energy and food? According to international standards, clean rooms generally meet the following requirements: 1. Floating dust particles, pollutants and harmful chemicals in the air need to be strictly controlled. 2. It is more than 10,000 times cleaner than the standard operating room in the hospital. 3. Linkage interlock is required. 4. Over pressure or negative pressure working environment. The functional characteristics of the zipper fast roller shutter door all meet these requirements. Advantages of fast rolling doors The new zipper fast roller shutter door of SEPPES can meet […]
Plant safety has always been the focus of the enterprise. Not only the safety of products, but also the safety of personnel is very important. If a safety accident occurs in a factory building, the economic loss directly caused is also a huge amount. Casualties caused by the derailment of the gate of the factory building are usually caused by low prices and improper installation. In the end, even the manufacturer cannot be found. So how to choose a good factory door? Many customers will choose to install sectional doors, the details are as follows. The embodiment of the safety performance of the sectional overhead door Compared with ordinary rolling […]
More and more customers are using spiral door as factory gates. Some manufacturers’ doors often make abnormal noises after a short period of use. Below, SEPPES will introduce to you how to simply deal with the abnormal noise problems encountered during the use of this product. The doors make a quieter and smoother sound during normal operation, rather than being such a harsh noise. When the product makes a loud noise when it is turned on or off, there must be something wrong. The reasons why the high speed spiral door makes noise during operation are as follows: Reason 1: The bearing is distorted, damaged, and dirty. When the ball […]
Modern factories generally like to use rigid high speed door. It is not only beautiful and elegant, fast and efficient, but also safe and anti-theft, wind and pressure resistant. Because this product is a new type of industrial door, many customers do not know much about its superior performance. Whether it has security protection support during its use will be introduced in detail below. Advantages of high speed spiral door 1.Anti-theft and wind resistance: The door panel of this product is made of aluminum alloy, and the middle polyurethane foam is used. The total thickness is 4 cm. It is used outdoors for wind resistance and anti-theft, and the wind […]
Before factories, translation doors or rolling gates were generally installed as factory doors. However, with the continuous development of science and technology, these doors have been replaced by intelligent and beautiful spiral speed door. So, what are the characteristics of this product that can be loved by so many customers? The following will introduce you in detail. Reasons for customers to choose high speed spiral door 1.Strong wind resistance and anti-theft performance. Traditional rolling doors and swing doors have no resistance to strong storms, typhoons, or leaks. The high speed spiral door adopts a 4 cm thick door panel, all of which are sealed with high-quality rubber. The ability to […]
高速ローリングドアは、多くの工場で最も一般的に使用されている産業用ドアの一つです。設置スペースと使用ニーズにより、様々なタイプのモーターが装備され、ビルトイン型、左取付型、右取付型、前取付型の4種類に分けられる。このうち、レフトマウント、ライトマウント、フロントマウントを総称してエクスターナルと呼ぶ。両者にはどのような違いがあり、価格は同じなのだろうか。詳しくは以下をご覧いただきたい。ビルトインモーターと外付けモーターの高速ローラドアの違い 主な違いは、放熱の程度と占有スペースです。詳しい違いは以下の通りです。ビルトインモーターは、ドアのボックス内に設置され、隠されています。
Many customers not only require anti-theft safety and beautiful appearance for the gate of the factory building. But also consider the transportation, environmental protection and sanitation of the factory building. The common high speed door, rolling doors, and sectioanal doors cannot meet the demand, and aluminum high speed door must be used. Then how is it strong, anti-theft, anti-prying, and frequent transportation, see below for details. The high speed spiral door can prevent theft from frequent entry and exit Hard and thickened door panel, this product adopts double-layer aluminum alloy door panel, with high-density flame-retardant foam inside. It forms a solid and firm door body, which has good anti-theft and […]
各自動車工場には、プレス、溶接、塗装、最終組み立ての4大工房がある。これら4つの作業場で要求される作業環境は比較的厳しい。作業環境が要求する基準を満たすために、多くの自動車会社はファストロールアップドアの設置を選択する。また、この4種類の作業場にこの製品を設置するメリットを理解していない企業も多くあります。そこで、以下にご説明します。四大自動車工場にファストロールドアを設置するメリット 1.設置後、温度と湿度の要求を満たすだけでなく、臭い、音、[...]を防ぐことができる。