Quels changements les entreprises peuvent-elles apporter en choisissant des portes à enroulement rapide très performantes ?
Speed roll doors are used in a wide range of applications, including automotive production, food processing plants, and semiconductor manufacturing facilities. Its unique structure and operation enable it to meet specific needs. So what advantages of this product can affect the normal operation of a company? Some areas use corrosive or toxic materials. Fast operation, strong seals and durable materials keep employees and visitors safe. The door itself is flexible. Because door curtains have no rigid parts, damage and injuries after a collision are reduced. The transparent window can prevent vehicle collision when entering and exiting, and the opposite situation can be observed through the transparent door curtain.
There are four main features of speed roll doors that reduce heating and cooling losses and improve energy efficiency
- Quick opening and closing
- Durability
- Sealing
Quick opening and closing can keep the room clean and insulated, helping companies save energy, reduce emissions, and reduce operating expenses. Their durability comes from a design that is more resistant to damage than traditional doors. Flexible door curtains prevent them from deforming and being unable to open or close like rigid doors. This product is equipped with double rows of encrypted PVC card holder brushes in the guide rail to provide better sealing.
Increase productivity
High speed door quick opening/closing cycle saves time and increases productivity. The SEPPES brand fast door has an opening speed of up to 1.0-2.0m/s, which is nearly 10 times faster than ordinary high speed doors, so this product enables these companies to maximize productivity.
Easier to clean and maintain
In the food processing sector, doors must be easy to clean and disinfect. The high-speed door with PVC curtains and stainless steel side covers can withstand heavy use of cleaning agents.
When a traditional door comes off the rails due to impact, calling a maintenance call for help is the only option. The zipper high speed door has an automatic return function and will not shut down due to impact. Opening and closing the door causes the curtain to return to its side guides.
In cold climates or environments, de-icing doors and ice guides are time-consuming. Equip your performance doors with heated side guides, insulated curtains and a defrost system. These options make de-icing a non-existent problem.
Saving cost
A standard rolling steel door 2 meters high takes 10 seconds to open or close. At the same opening, a high-speed safety door opens and closes in 2 seconds. This increase in speed results in many cost savings, as follows:
Reduced HVAC maintenance costs through better environmental control; reduced heating and air conditioning costs; reduced repair costs due to collisions; reduced door-related injuries and reduced related compensation costs.