What are the benefits of installing rapid roll doors in semiconductor production workshops?
The internal environment of the semiconductor production workshop must be fully dust-free, and any particles may cause the product to be scrapped. If the environment cannot meet the requirements. The enterprise will not only have to suspend work, but also bear huge economic losses. The relatively big-name semiconductor companies have fully equipped their factories with puertas rápidas enrollables. How this product actually works is explained below.
High-speed roll doors in semiconductor production workshops
1.Good sealing, the noise in the workshop should not exceed 65dB, and the static pressure difference should not be less than 10Pa. When the product is completely closed, it can achieve dustproof, sound insulation, constant temperature and constant humidity to ensure that the internal pressure difference reaches the standard.
2.Quickly achieve isolation, and it is easy to generate internal and external air convection when people enter and exit, and the risk of infection is prone to occur at this time. This product has very fast switching speed. And the switching frequency of hundreds of times per day can be quickly cut off after people enter and exit. Protects the internal environment from aggression by reducing the time the interior is exposed to the outside.
3.Intelligent and clean. Although personnel need to disinfect their hands every time they enter and exit. There is still a risk of bacterial infection if they touch the switch frequently. This product can add a non-touch switch, which can effectively reduce contact and increase cleanliness again.
The rapid roll doors have the advantages of good sealing, fast blocking and intelligence. Which meet the requirements of semiconductor production workshops. The frequent and rapid opening and closing of this product can reduce the waiting time for the staff to open the door and improve the production efficiency for the enterprise.